Saturday, January 19, 2013

Far From Genius

To Become Genius
Have you ever seen light waves?
Not the kind that can be measured in amplitude or frequency,
but kaleidoscopes of prism rays, across warm walls with natural hoorays,
these waves spray hued rainbows so keen to the imagination on any magical Sunday.
Have you ever stood tall in the sky? To land and slide down the smooth rainbow, but why,
and discover the heckle has taken all precious karats. Knack for payback is not gradually. 
Your constitution for sinking teeth provided one great bite, and that rainbow did pay.
With candor you raise and fidelity you exclaim the obvious answer, No.
    Because undiscovered by all but knave, the key to ingenuity
  you claim. To grasp this high level of brain activity,
   you must know the spot so attentively.
  Like Einstein, your brain all to see.
  Innovation and lie
 is at your

Genius Supervener     
            There is a limitless amount of creativity right there waiting so anxious. Your brain is at idle, oh so humbly waiting, for you to unleash that majestic storm of thought. Inspiration has been ready to burst through your floodgates since birth. When those gates crash open you will no longer see light wavelengths as photons from science class. A grasp of the highest level possible will be your sole reflection. Time will slow, as static fluid descends at a non-athletic pace. Then you will be privy to those large waves in your sharp mind, and you may choose to traverse them as a Seraphim does in the great blue. You can skim from crest to trough as they oscillate in leisure. If it is water you fear, then change the fluid to glistening waves of gold. Lie back on your creation and kick your feet up, take a lounge on your knoll. Enlightenment will be upon you. You will then know there is something special about those antiquated beams of light; the ones that stream in through a church window and make bible dust appear to be glitter from heaven.

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